New Report Highlights Penske Logistics Operations in Brazil

As one of our earlierposts indicated, Brazil’s robust economic growth in recent years has helped propel Penske Logistics and demand for its warehousing and distribution center management services in that country.

Armstrong & Associates, a logistics industry consultancy based in Wisconsin recently participated in a Penske-led tour of the operations.

Following the visit, Consultant Richard Armstrong profiled Penske’s multi-client warehousing operations and capabilities in a site review that highlighted how it serves customers in the automotive, electronics, retail, and other key sectors via highly secure warehousing and distribution centers that span some 3.4 million square feet.

Armstrong & Associates also discusses the overall complexities, both from a governmental and infrastructure standpoint, of doing business in Brazil. You can read the full Armstrong & Associates profile of Penske Logistics in Brazil here.

Penske Logistics South America is headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil and Paulo Sarti is its managing director.

By Alen Beljin

Editor’s Note: Penske Logistics contracted with Armstrong & Associates to conduct this site review.

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