Kids look at home items packed into boxes.

Packing (Kid-Friendly) Fun Into Your Summer Move

You’ve found a new place to live, secured a Penske rental truck and organized the logistics of getting your belongings from point A to point B. All that’s left to do now is get there—but that can be easier said than done when you’re traveling with kids.

With the help of these tips from Penske Truck Rental, the long trek can be fun for the kids, and for you:

Play road trip games

Road trip games are a classic way to keep busy while on the road. Here are a few examples:

  • Spot the Penske truck: Our yellow rental trucks are everywhere (and so are our white logistics trucks with the blue stripes) -- keep a tally of the number of Penske trucks you spot on the drive.
  • ABC Game: Try to identify each letter of the alphabet, in order, on road signs, buildings, etc.
  • License Plate Game: See how many states’ license plates you can find.
  • 20 Questions: One passenger thinks of a person, place or thing, and the other passengers try to guess it by only asking up to 20 “yes” or “no” questions.
  • I Spy: The spier states “I spy with my little eye something…” and adds a descriptor. The other passengers scour the surroundings trying to guess what they saw.
Pack a car activity bag for each kid (and maybe even for the adults too!)

Activity bags give kids something to look forward to on the drive and are guaranteed to make the time fly.

Fill the bags with activity books, coloring books, crayons, electronics, fidget toys, etc. We suggest labeling items if there are multiple children to prevent any possible arguments.

  • Penske even has a free printable car activity book available for download here.
Bring plenty of snacks and water

There is nothing worse than being dehydrated or “hangry” (or being stuck with someone else who’s experiencing either of those things) on a long car ride. Avoid this by bringing plenty of treats like granola bars, fruit snacks, pretzels, crackers, etc. Make sure everyone has their own water bottle as well and don’t forget to refill!

Don’t forget comfort items

If space permits, bring age-appropriate items that will increase comfort on the drive, including pillows, blankets, sweatshirts, ear plugs, headphones, eye masks, etc. Keep favorite stuffed animals close by to avoid meltdowns.

Make pit stops

Make stops as needed to stretch and release pent up energy. Search for a park, ice cream shop, etc. on your drive where everyone can get out, stretch their legs, use the restroom, etc.

Schedule drive time strategically

Plan the longest parts of the drive for when the kids will likely be asleep. This will help the time pass for them and give the adults some much-needed quiet time.

Need a rental truck for your upcoming move? Visit our website to get a quote.

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