Penske Logistics Paneling at TPA Food and Beverage Conference

A pair of Penske Logistics senior leaders will be panelists for a leading food and beverage event taking place in New Orleans, the Trading Partner Alliance (TPA) Supply Chain Conference. Hosted by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), it takes place at the New Orleans Marriott from February 22 to February 24.

  • February 23:Andy Moses, senior vice president of global products, is an expert for Gaining the Advantage in the Fresh Supply Chain. Moses will discuss how the company supports its customers in enhancing time-sensitive food delivery best practices.
  • Read Session Article: Gaining Advantage in the Fresh Supply Chain

By “Move Ahead” Staff

Editor's Note: Originally published Feb. 8. 2016. Updated Feb. 23 with new session articles.

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