Supply Chain Innovation Focus of CSCMP’s 2012 Europe Conference

The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) will hold its eighth European conference, April 23-25, 2012, in Frankfurt, Germany, at the Hilton Frankfurt Airport. The conference will focus on supply chain management innovation and best practices. The event will offer educational sessions and networking opportunities to global supply chain executives.Penske Logistics Europe is one of the major sponsors of this event.

“Effective supply chain management requires innovative thinking and practical application and execution,” said Georg Odenthal, conference co-chair and supply chain management consultant.

“This conference covers all of the above,” he continued. ”Attendees will hear new ideas and creative ways of improving supply chain processes, and examples from supply chain management professionals from leading European and other global corporations, of how they implemented innovations that benefited the bottom line.”

At CSCMP Europe 2012, thought leaders from around the world will discuss supply chain management processes that attendees should master to ensure that their organizations remain competitive. Session topics include performance measurement, talent acquisition and management, collaboration, risk management and customer-centric strategies.

Peter D. Gibbons, executive vice president, global supply chain operations, Starbucks Coffee Company, will be the keynote speaker. His session will explore the role that supply chains play in successful businesses, and how to use their influence to deliver results. Attendees will also learn how to transform their supply chains into sources of business innovation.

Developing Future Supply Chain Professionals

Building a successful supply chain management career will be the theme of the Talent and Young Professionalspanelmoderated by Rick D. Blasgen, CSCMP president and chief executiveofficer.

Recruiting and developing young talent will also be discussed. Panelists include Nicole Balken, human resources director, Penske Logistics Europe; Raoul P. Dubeauclard, supply chain practice senior expert, McKinsey & Co.; Britta Gammelgaard, professor, Copenhagen Business School; and David Gonsalvez, director, Zaragoza Logistics Center. This panel was one of the most highly rated sessions at CSCMP’s 2011 Annual Global Conference in Philadelphia, Pa.

For more information about the conference, or to register, visit the CSCMP 2012 Europe Conference website.

By “Move Ahead” Staff

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