The Official Blog for Penske Truck Leasing, Truck Rental and Logistics

It’s time to gear up for the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) International Roadcheck. This year’s 72-hour safety event is set for May 14 – 16. During the Roadcheck, law enforcement personnel will inspect commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) and drivers at weigh stations and inspection stations throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

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You leave your truck for the night and return the next morning. In between, anything could happen. How do you know your vehicle is still in tip-top shape? You won’t unless you conduct a thorough pre-trip inspection.

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As a professional driver, you face countless challenges on the road, and you can’t anticipate them all. But here’s one that’s totally within your control: keeping your cargo safe and secure.

Proper cargo securement is more than just making sure every item in your trailer or flatbed is tied down. It also involves achieving the right balance. When your cargo is evenly distributed, you’ll avoid the risk of load shifting. It’s a serious problem that makes a truck difficult to drive. It can even cause a truck to roll over.

A few ways to secure your cargo and prevent load shifting:

Before you load

  • Sweep out your trailer so you start with a clean floor.
  • Inspect all securement devices (tie-downs, ratchet straps, chains, binders, cargo nets) for signs of wear and tear. Replace any damaged tie-downs and be sure to always carry more than needed just in case a replacement is needed while on the road.
  • Check the working load limit (WLL) of your tie-downs so you don’t overstress them.
  • Inspect the load you’ll be hauling. Look for the weight (which should be listed on the bill of lading) and length of your cargo.
As you load
  • Use the right number of tie-downs. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recommendations call for:
  • One tie-down for items that are 5 feet long or shorter and weigh 1,100 lbs. or less
  • Two tie-downs for
    • Items that are 5 feet long or shorter and weigh 1,100 lbs. or more
    • Items that are longer than 5 feet but shorter than 10 feet
  • Use additional tie-downs for every extra 10 foot of length
  • Unsure of how many tie-downs to use? Add an extra tie-down or two to be extra cautious.
  • Make sure all securement devices are tight but not too tight—they should snap like a rubber band.
  • Use edge protectors to prevent straps from damaging your cargo.
  • Secure any rolling cargo with chocks, wedges or cradles.
  • Distribute your load as evenly as possible and try to secure cargo to fixed points inside your trailer or on a flatbed.
As you drive
  • Inspect your cargo within the first 50 miles, then every 3 hours, 150 miles or at change of duty. Make sure nothing has shifted or moved. Tighten any loose tie-downs.
  • Drive safely. Take tight curves slowly. Avoid harsh braking. Slow down in inclement weather.
Remember, proper cargo securement is the driver’s responsibility. Take the time to balance your load, drive safely, and check your load in transport to keep you and your cargo safe.

It typically begins with a simple yawn. Next thing you know, your eyes feel heavy. You find yourself turning up the radio or opening a window. Then you realize you forgot the last few miles you drove and wonder how you traveled so far without realizing it.

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You’re heading down the highway when trouble strikes. Whether it’s a tire going down, a dying battery or an electrical issue, you’ll need to know how to react. Use these five tips to stay safe during a roadside breakdown:

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If you think people are driving faster these days, you’re probably right. But it’s wise to think twice before you decide to try and keep up.

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Truck driving can be dangerous. Follow these 15 tips to keep yourself safe on and off the road:

Before You Leave

1. Plan your route. Know where you’re headed, where you might stop along the way, where you’ll encounter heavy traffic, and where you might need to make a detour.

2. Complete a pre-trip inspection. Take 15 minutes to check your truck’s general condition, fluid levels, tires, lights, brakes, gauges and controls.

3. Buckle up. Don’t leave without putting on your seat belt. Thirty percent of truck drivers killed in crashes were partially or totally ejected from their vehicles, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

When You’re Driving

4. Watch for dangers. Scan ahead 15 seconds (one-quarter mile on an interstate or one to two blocks in cities) for traffic issues, work zones and other dangers.

5. Check your mirrors. Look at them every eight to 10 seconds and watch for vehicles in your blind spots.

6. Limit lane changes. If you do change lanes, use your turn signals and brakes to alert other drivers.

7. Keep an eye on the sky. Watch the weather and slow down when needed due to road conditions (snow, rain, ice) or layout (tight curves, mountainous terrain).

8. Slow down in work zones. Obey all signs and speed limits, watch for road crews, maintain extra following distance and be prepared to stop.

9. Avoid distractions. Truckers and bus drivers are 23.2 times more likely to be involved in a crash, near-crash or lane deviation while texting, says the FMCSA.

10. Steer clear of aggressive drivers. If you see other drivers tailgating, making unsafe lane changes, failing to signal or speeding, get out of their way. Stay relaxed. Don’t make eye contact. Ignore any rude gestures.

When You Stop

11. Park only in well-lit areas.

12. Lock your truck and secure your cargo and any valuables.

13. Be alert. Watch for any suspicious activity at or around your truck, and don’t walk between trailers at a truck stop.

14. Inspect your vehicle so you’re ready for the next leg of your trip.

15. Get sleep. Sleeping seven to nine hours a night will keep you refreshed.

During the holiday season, more than one-third of Americans travel by car, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA). This year, experts expect those numbers to rise. The result: congested roads.

Steer clear of danger. Watch for these three common holiday hazards:

1. Congestion – The holidays can turn your favorite route into a nightmare. Take charge by planning your trip ahead of time. Map out a few different routes, so you’ll know where to go — and what to do — should you hit a traffic jam. Leave early if possible so you have more time to reach your destination. And limit the number of lane changes you make on your route.

2. Impaired driving – When roads get crowded, people who drive while impaired create a high risk of injury not just for themselves but for everyone else on the highway. Impaired driving includes:

  • Drunk driving – In 2020, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated that 39% of traffic fatalities during the Christmas holiday were caused by alcohol-impaired drivers.
  • Drowsy driving – As many as 27% of U.S. drivers say they sleep less than 6 hours a night, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. That number increases in December as people handle numerous holiday obligations.
  • Distracted driving – Texting, eating, drinking, map reading and other distractions take a driver’s eyes off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, during which time a driver traveling at 55 mph goes 371 feet (longer than a football field), according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

Combat all these behaviors by driving defensively. Check your mirrors often. Scan ahead at least a quarter of a mile. Look for telltale signs of impaired driving, such as swerving, tailgating and drifting. Stay sober. Don’t text and drive. And get at least seven hours of sleep.

3. Winter weather – The holidays mean snow, sleet and freezing temperatures for certain parts of the U.S. Take extra caution on bridges and overpasses, which freeze faster than the road. Clear all ice and snow from your truck and trailer. Keep a fully stocked emergency kit, and carry extra blankets, bottled water and non-perishable foods if you get stuck.

According to a National Safety Council study, sprains and strains account for the highest number of injuries (60 percent) truck drivers suffer each year. About 21 percent of those injuries are neck and back related.

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More than 40% of truck drivers now live in a state that has legalized the use of marijuana, according to an American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) report. However, federal law still prohibits the use of marijuana by CMV drivers who engage in interstate travel.
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Do you yawn often or feel drowsy when driving during daylight hours? Do you snore while sleeping? Do you have frequent headaches? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA.

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Class is in, and it’s not just students who need a back-to-school refresher. So do professional drivers who must adapt to new routines to keep themselves, their cargo and school children safe on the roads.

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When you press the brake pedal on your truck, you expect an instant response. Yet any number of issues can cause your vehicle’s braking systems to fail, increasing your risk of a serious accident while putting you and your cargo in danger. That’s why maintaining your truck’s braking system is so important and a major part of your Pre-Trip Inspection.

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Speeding alone has caused more than one-quarter of all deaths from motor vehicle accidents since 2008, according to data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).

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Professional drivers, get ready to share the road. Nearly 85% of Americans expect to travel this summer, according to a 2023 travel survey from The Vacationer. And 100 million people plan to take a road trip of 250 miles or more.

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Drivers are required to ensure their vehicles are in top working order every day of the year by completing pre- and post-trip inspections and reporting any concerns to their management for remediation. But from Tuesday, May 16 – Thursday, May 18, 2023, drivers should take extra precautions.

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You may know the saying, “April showers bring May flowers”, but these same wet conditions also create a variety of dangerous road hazards for professional drivers. In fact, flooding is now ranked as the second deadliest weather hazard in the U.S. each year, according to the National Weather Service. (Excessive heat is currently listed as the Number 1 deadliest U.S. weather hazard).

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As a professional driver, you rely on your truck to operate at peak performance to keep you and those around you safe. That’s why it’s so important to conduct thorough pre-trip and post-trip inspections — and even check in on your truck and its load during your travels while at a weigh station or rest stop.

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You’re due at your destination in an hour, but traffic has slowed to a crawl. You just got cut off — twice. You’re already feeling worn out. And now rain clouds are gathering overhead. As a truck driver, you face these types of situations all the time. The more prepared you are to handle them, the healthier you’ll be.

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You climb in and out of your cab constantly. You may even be required to climb into the trailer or on top of a flatbed to secure the load you are transporting. This is done so often, that you probably don’t think of the risk involved. But move too fast or carelessly, and you could end up out of service with a serious injury.

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